Sunday, 21 April 2013

Big Lift on Pole Hill

After stuffing my Extreme on EL last week I headed for Pole Hill for a change of scenery. I decided it would be a good day to get more stick time on my Ascot and also took along my Spark and Weasel Evo. Getting ready to head up the hill from the car park and putting the Spark wing panels in the bag beside the Ascot
I realised I only had one Ascot wing panel. The other being in the shed at home after painting. Oh bother!!! What a Muppet!

Hugh Barker was already at the top but the increasing wind was getting too much for lis lightweight model. He also had a new Sunbird but it stayed in the bag waiting for a lighter day.

Ian Stewart arrived just after Hugh had headed home. Ian had brought along his ever faithful Tragi and it was going really well in the big air and lots of ballast. Ian also flew his M60 foamie getting in some practice for the foamie competition next week.

Ian's Tragi on landing approach

I flew my Weasel Evo but the 35-40mph wind was a little too much for it but my Spark went like a rocket. After the first flight I had a fairly exciting time landing the Spark because the elevator compensation under crow was way out. A few tweaks on the tx and a few more landings saw it sorted. I found some great lift at one point and the Spark got really, really high and I bottled out and put the brakes out. It still climbed. Yippee!!!

Ali Sutherland joined us with his Strega but only had a very brief flight because an aileron servo began doing its own thing! A careful landing saw Ali heading home early.

Spark Self portrait.

Ian in action

Wet knees!

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