Peter suggested we turn-up at East Lomond with DLGs and Alulas for some fun. East Lomond being a much easier walk than Bishop! I arrived early and found a light westerly wind blowing along the slope so I flew my Longshot DLG on the far end of the slope. By the time some wheeling and dealing had happened in the car park and the rest of the guys turned up the wind had picked up a little and swung west south west and we could fly F3F models as well as DLGs and Alulas.
My Longshot. I took this picture as I was flying it :)
Peter's Stinger
It was quite thermally at times but it was great to get out and have decent fly. Everyone had some good air to make up for the poorer stuff.
Dave's Needle
Nice to see a scale model
Errr..... Don't ask; but if you must try touch and goes in soft snow the model will vanish!!!
A great mixture of models, Stinger, Needle, Ascot, Tomcat, Bannana, a couple Blasters and several more DLGs and Alulas as well as a scaley!
Sorry I missed it, maybe next time :)