Peter called the first reserve F3F competition on but unfortunately only four of us turned up at the Craigmead car park so not enough people for a race. The weather forecast looked promising with a dry sunny day and light north west winds predicted and so it was. On the slope the wind started out about 15mph and rose to about 25 and the air was just silky smooth. Fantastic!
Peter's Freestyler off on test flight |
Peter was able to try out his recently repaired Freestyler and it went as well as ever. He pulled some very tight turns illustrating he importance of getting the cg in the correct place! Peter's Stinger also got some airtime in the fabby lift. It really is a great slope and well worth the longish walk (no significant climb though!).
Robert getting ready to launch Dave's Cyril |
Cyril away |
Dave flew his Cyril and it went like stink as usual; this model seems a great all-rounder and always goes well. Aerobatic too!
This was Robert's first visit to this slope and he was well impressed and compared it to Bishop after he had been tearing up the sky with his P3.
Robert's P3 |
I flew my Ascot with 450g of wing ballast and it went really well. EM style turns seemed to work best but I need to learn how to string 9 turns together.
We few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers |
I would have been a great day for a competion with nice smooth predicable air.