I wasn't able to go to the Welsh Open this year :( but I was determined to get some flying in if the weather cooperated.
On Saturday the forecast was for s/w winds so I headed up East Lomond for the first time in ages and it still looks just the same! It was pretty gloomy on the slope with heavy overcast skies but it stayed dry and the wind was around 20-25mph. An early start saw my Extreme in the air by 10 o'clock and at that point the wind was well south of south-west and my Extreme was going well with most of the ballast in.
Extreme and gloomy skies |
I had to be home for lunch and my last flight was just before 12 by which time the wind had swung more south west and had become quite bumpy with not a lot of lift. It confirmed my opinion that East Lomond works best in south, south west wind. Once it swings round and comes over Bishop it gets less lifty and quite bumpy.
Sunday morning saw me head for Kilpsindie and it was a lovely day up there. Quite warm and a 25-30mph sw wind swinging round to west by the time I was once more heading home for lunchtime.
Self portrait of me and Extreme. |
I spent a bit if time tweaking the aileron differential and elevator throws but don't seem to have made much difference!
Low cloud on East Lomond. Just as well I stayed away on the low slopes at Kilspindie! |
When I got home I had time to put the Precision together for the first time. Needs receiver fitted and then it will be test flight time. Paint will follow. Later!!
Looks ok from a distance! |
Nice Precision George, look forward to seeing it go next time. You didn't miss much in Wales, very disappointing!