Monday, 28 October 2013

Hole of Horcum last BMFA Summer F3F League

The cancellation of an earlier scheduled event meant a reserve date for the BMFA F3F league was added to the calendar for Sunday 27 October.

With the clocks going back an hour on Saturday night  I had to give some thought to setting my alarm correctly to wake me at 3 am to get me to Peter’s for 3.45 and the trip to the Hole of Horcum picking Mike up on the way. Bonkers, clearly bonkers.

We made good time and arrived in plenty of time for the 8:30 gathering. After some faffing around discussing slopes and wind direction we three Scots headed over to the South Bowl before the wind changed direction and we got going before 10. Just! Quite big winds saw the switched on guys get their models really shifting using much pumping and EM style turns. 

Peter getting his Stinger ready
I put all the ballast (over 1.5 kg) in and the Pike Precision it went really well in the bumpy air particularly in the first two rounds. The wind direction began to swing more to the south west and became more crossed but still flyable. However after a stoppage and a wait to see if the wind direction would change it was decided to call it a day at round 4.
Peter about to launch Mike's Precision
I had great day out in excellent company and I was more than happy with the way my model went although my course flying needs to sharpen up! My landings too because I let my model get blown waaaayy back on one approach and only just avoided landing down the back of the slope which it exactly what happened to Keith Woods and he is a local!! Did I mention it was windy?

Peter and Mike finished well up the field, 4th and 5th respectively and well done to them both. I could have gone better but that is usual for me!! It was great to catch-up with the Horcum regulars and the usual witty banter!

The early finish saw us head to Whitby for fish and chips. Braw!!! (I won’t mention the stop in Berwick for coffee/tea and a snack where one of our crew had a burger and a McFlurry!!)

Thanks once again to Peter for doing all the driving and for providing some completely unintended hilarity when we drove through a huge puddle in the car park at the Forth Bridge. 

Oh, well. It is the start of the winter league on Saturday. Brrrrr....

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