Monday, 10 November 2014

F3F 2014-15 Winter league Round 1.

The forecast for the 1st round of the winter league was for light ssw winds swinging s-sse by early afternoon which is pretty much what happened.

Dave's Pitbull looking for lunch!
We got going reasonably quickly and managed to squeeze in 6 rounds before the wind swung off the hill.

I flew my Precision but struggled to get used to the offset course. With a ssw wind blowing we had to set up the course well over to the left and I could not get to grips with the turn on the right-hand base and flew long that end. Really long!! I was getting a little better by the last round and a few more rounds may have pulled up my score but on the other hand, maybe not! We stopped for lunch after round 6 and watched the wind continue to swing until it was parallel to the slope so we headed off to the Pillars of Hercules for hot drinks and cakes! Perfect!

Winter Light

Sunday morning was really still but the forecast suggested a light sw wind so I headed up to Dodd Hill with my Longshot. There was a barely detectable movement of air on the sw slope and all I managed was to get a few passes along the slope before landing. One or two thermal bumps but nothing to get any real height under the wings. After countless launches I finally managed to knock the tailplane off on landing and headed back home for a late lunch.

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