Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Sunny afternoon at Kilspindie

My plan to do some diy in the morning and go flying in the afternoon didn’t quite go to plan because it took me until 3 o’clock to get the painting done so I abandoned the mess, packed my Race M in the back of the car and headed for Kilspindie for some fresh air fun.

 I had a very pleasant hour and a half zipping my Race M back and forth along the east slope in a good 25mph wind. Full ballast and lots of different style turns but can’t seem to get to grips with the EM style. Maybe I need to contact T9 for one of their £600 P3s! I wish :o(

Flying high and thermal hunting was out today because that bl**dy buzzard was not happy to see my Race M in the air!! I gave it a few scares by chasing after it but with an infinitely variable wing and full telemetry the buzzard has an advantage in those conditions. A 10mph increase in wind strength would redress the balance!!

I had to head home earlier than I planned because a nice safe landing on top (unlike the arrival in the hollow behind the slope earlier) saw the left flap servo with a stripped gear. The flaps were away on touchdown but a grassy tussock gave the flap a good thump. 15 minutes to replace when I got home (after tidying up the mess I left in the house after diy earlier!!. It is a pain that Hitec don't sell the single plastic 5085 servo gear that is the weak link and always strips and you have to buy a complete set for £11. I fitted a new servo instead!! Almost as cheap to buy an HS85MG and remove the gears.

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