Monday, 14 May 2012

BMFA F3F Round 3. Horcum 13 May

Only Peter Gunning and I were up for the early start and the trip to Horcum on Sunday 13th May for round three of the BMFA F3F league.

The wind was smack on the slope at Levisham and blowing around 30-45mph with lots of variability. It was pretty cold all day too. Summer league? HuH!

Most people got some good air and there was some excellent air to be had if you were lucky. Apart from my first and last round all the air I got was terrible and I lack the ability to do anything with those kinds of conditions. I saw some great flying though. Ronnie Lampe’s sub 31 with his Strega was tremendous as was Tom Foreman’s new PB with his Xenon. EM turns were favoured by many but not by everyone.

The air in the landing area could be rough and several models came to grief. Keith Wood totalled his FS3 when it flicked on turn A and smacked into the ground. The wreckage was then blown up the hill by the wind causing more damage. A Crossfire was picked up in the pits area by the strong winds and blew back and damaged other models.

A chance conversation with Frank Hulton saw me gain a joiner for my Extreme rebuid. Brilliant! Thanks Frank; what a star.

By the end of the completion most of us were pretty exhausted and glad to get back to the cars! Ronnie Lampe flew a ballistic sub- 32 for FTD. Richard Bago had a great day and took first place followed by Mr EM Greg Dakin in second place with Peter in a very well deserved third place. Peter changed to his reliable Cyril early on and flew consistently all day. I think I was last but it was a terrific and challenging day.

A fish supper from the Magpie in Whitby topped off a great day out. Thanks again to Peter for doing all the driving and putting up with me chatting all the way there and all the way back!!

The second round of the BMFA F3F league which was due to be held at Horcum a few weeks ago was cancelled and it looks like the substitute event will be held in South Wales. A long way to travel for the possibility of one days racing. This only leaves the Scottish round in July that I am likely to be able to attend but no possibility of a meaningful score in the UK league. Three rounds are needed for that. I won’t make the Nationals at Horcum. Damn!

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