The forecast wind direction looked uncertain all week but on Friday evening Windmap was promising light south-westerlies which would strengthen as the day progressed and a bright day with sunny spells. The wind forecast was fairly accurate but we never saw the sun all day. Light rain was falling when I first arrived but being early my Longshot got some airtime as I waited for the rest to arrive.
Peter had called a 10:30 start and when everyone arrived the hill was in cloud and looked set for the day but by 12 the low cloud lifted and we headed up to the slope. The late start was a good call and we flew eight rounds before the approaching rain had us hastily packing up and heading for the cars! Still a pretty good start to the summer season and maybe next time we can have some summer weather. It was cold on the slope all day!
Peter had repaired the flap pushrods on his P3 and flew convincingly quickly all day making the best of the lift available and took top position by a convincing margin.
Mike had brought his recently acquired Fosa with him and despite the model needing further dialling in it was looking quick and agile although the roll looked odd but I’m sure a tweak will fix it.
Dave had his Kyril going well but was unlucky with the air more than once and this pulled his scores down and Mike pipped him for second place.
Ian Stewart’s Skorpion was one of three on the slope and it did well with the natural pace of the model coming to the fore in the conditions.
Dave Kelly flew his Skorpion and his times dropped steadily throughout the day as he got used to the course length and after beating the model’s previous owner in the last two rounds made the previous owner of the Skorp begin to regret selling the model!!
Craig Maxwell flew the third Skorpion on the day and he also improved his lap times as he got used to flying the course.
My Vikos went well but I need to tighten up my turns. A lot!!
With a number of the regulars missing today it promised some larger fields later in the year. There are several new models due to appear this year too. We also have a round of the BMFA league later in the year with several competitors from south of the border keen to make the trip so it looks like a busy summer ahead. Yippee!
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