Saturday was taken up with DIY which should have taken a morning but ended up taking the whole day! (Got side-tracked from removing skirting into re-wiring all the phone extensions and running the cables under the floor) The north-west winds from Saturday were still there on Sunday although less strong. After scrabbling about on the floor all day Saturday my legs and knees didn’t fancy the long walk to West Lomond so I took the easy option of the 20 minute drive and 15 minute walk to Gallow Hill in the Sidlaws. Not the steepest slope and with no defined edge but great for a lazy beggar like me and there is a nice rounded top for landings! There were no cattle in the field so I could park up next to the Angus transmitter mast and hoof it over the heather to the slope. There is no defined path so trudging through heather can be hard going especially with tired legs and knees! Groan!! The other access from Hillside of Preiston farm is easier walking but much further and more of a climb.

There were a few flakes of snow falling which didn’t come to anything and my Race M was going well in the 15 mph wind blowing straight on the slope. Despite the 4 deg C temperature the bright sunshine seemed to be generating some nice thermals from time to time and I had great fun blasting around the sky although I had to land every 20 minutes or so to warm my hands having left my cosy transmitter muff in the house where it is no use whatsoever!! I had the Race M almost specked out at one point and was joined by a friendly buzzard and we flew in formation for a while before the bird dropped its nose and headed off looking for something more appealing than a composite glider!
As usual the views were excellent and the sunshine showed up the snow capped mountains to the north and Dundee and Fife to the south.

To the west the new wind generator was visible in the distance just beyond Auchterhouse Hill.

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