Keen to have a fly I took my Alula and Skorpion out to KIlspindie today for a few hours in very light winds. I was wary of driving all the way to East Lomond to find the same marginal conditions.
My Alula was going well in the gentle slope lift which seemed to be improving as the time passed. I was encouraged by the improved lift to put my Skorpion together and heave it off. I did this just as the wind dropped away almost completely. I then had about 10 minutes of buttock clenching flying as I looked for some lift. My Skorp was pretty well down the hill and I was flying well out to the right and heading for a wee white cloud when I saw it start to bob up and down in some bumpy air. A couple of buzzards confirmed I had found some weak lift and I was able to get high enough to relax a bit. Phew!! Tense but great fun though!
I had a couple of more flights with my Skorp and a belt around with my Alula and headed home. I have to say though that I was a little startled to come across an experienced glider flier with his DLG flying down near the cars. He, like me is still on 35Mhz. No harm done though :o/ Hmm! :o(
When I got home I replaced the degraded keypads on my Futaba 9ZAP transmitter with the new ones I received last week. I had tried to find a source of these in the UK but had no luck. Ripmax ignored me completely! A post on RCGROUPS suggested Radio South RC in the US and a quick exchange of emails with Tony and a Paypal transaction saw the new keypads on their way to me. Good service. I took some pictures which show the process.
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