A reasonable east wind was blowing at home when I left for Kilspindie early this morning but experience has taught me to take my Longshot DLG just in case. Just as well because it was virtually flat calm when I got there. A barely detectable 3-4mph easterly kept my Longshot up for some thermal hunting fun. It was overcast initially but lift was there and I managed to blunder into a few thermals from time to time.
Just after 11 the wind picked up so I quickly heaved my Ascot off into some really sinky air. A tense few minutes passed before I found some better air and got back to slope height. For the first time I was flying with the 400g of wing ballast removed and the Ascot felt stodgy and needed up trim. I had neglected to remove some nose weight to allow for the forward shift of cg. I landed and put the ballast back and the Ascot was much better and was soon zipping along in the light air. Some good air came along from time to time and it was going well, The wind continued to build but I had to head home for a family lunch.
Picked up a new project yesterday and, for obvious reasons, it is heading for a trip into the workshop.