Sunday, 18 November 2012

Winter League 1. 17 November East Lomond

The forecast for the first F3F competition of the winter league promised wsw winds and clear skies. Well, the wind direction was correct, although much stronger than predicted, but the two downpours were totally unexpected!! All 12 competitors managed to squeeze under two large umbrellas during the rain.

I had arrived sharp, thinking I would be first there, but discovered Mark Treble waiting in the East Lomond car park having driven up from Halifax. We were both keen to get going so we headed up the hill before the rest of the field appeared. Some low wispy cloud didn’t stop me giving my Extreme a test flight and Mark had the chance to try out East Lomond before the competition got going.

I am still trying to get the hang of this open style of flying and kept flying long. Really long, especially on the left hand turn. I blame the speed of the model being too fast for me!!

Ewan on the course as Dave gets ready to launch Robert's P3

My fishing brolly provided shelter but may not be up to the rigors of life on a windy hillside! Sportbrella added to my Christmas list. 

Robert launches David's Race M

Mark Treble's Needle on approach

Damp huddle. Cold and wet; my favourite!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

The forecast was for a good breeze from the south west and a dry sunny day which apart from the cloud and rain was spot on!!! I was expecting to be on my own but Dave Watson was just getting his boots on when I arrived in the car park so I had company today. Perfect!

Dave flew his Needle and Cyril side by side for comparison but it was hard to see much difference in speed. They are both very fast!!

I flew my Extreme fully ballasted and it was going well and I am sure it had the edge on my Vikos for out and out speed. I spent time trying to perfect these EM turns but struggle to be consistent. Turns on the left seemed to work better in the 25-30mph wind from the ssw. I am so pleased I made the (great) effort to repair this model rather than scrapping it although I try not to think how many hours it took!


Needle too fast for my pocket camera! 

The wind strength increased and Dave had to tape his hat on! 

Hiding from the cold wind.

Minutes after this picture my £12 cheapo fishing shelter (mini SportBrella) took exception to the increasing wind strength and headed off towards Dundee but Dave caught up with it before it disappeared down the back of the hill! That folding articulated section near the centre has to go.

With rain approaching we headed back to the cars and hence to the Pillars of Hercules for tea/coffee and cakes. A grand day out!